
Beyond The Blueprint

The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents Cover Reveal

The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents Cover Reveal
May 08, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
Prepare to be inspired! The cover reveal for The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents is finally here. I love it when a book visually comes to life. And no more does this happen than when the cover is created and revealed. This is one of my favorite aspects of being an author. This process was different than book one in that there was already an established brand, and we could have a little more fun with the color pallet and graphics. George at G Sharp Designs did another fantastic job pulling in all the good of cover one and making this cover stand out on its own.

Stay tuned for the official launch in June 2024.

Embracing the Empty Nest Summit: A Recap

Embracing the Empty Nest Summit: A Recap
Apr 29, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
What an incredible journey we shared at the Embracing the Empty Nest Summit! To all the fantastic participants, a heartfelt thank you for joining us.
As a speaker and participant, I was truly inspired by the energy and enthusiasm in the room. Together, over two days, we explored the exciting possibilities that await us as our children venture out on their own. The diverse panel of experts offered invaluable knowledge and actionable strategies to help us confidently navigate this new chapter. As I go through in both my books, empty nesters looking to foster stronger connections with their young adult children, find balance in the sandwich generation, navigate financial changes, and prioritize their well-being,  the summit provided a wealth of resources.

Guest Appearence on The Untriggered Parenting Podcast

Guest Appearence on The Untriggered Parenting Podcast
Apr 15, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino

I’m excited to share my guest spot on The Untriggered Parenting Podcast. Join Paula and me as we chat about the joys and challenges of the Empty Nest stage. The episode is a 30-minute must-listen. Grab your headphones, and let's dive into the Empty Nest journey together!

The Untriggered Parenting Podcast

The Dawnversations Podcast - Guest Anthony Damaschino

The Dawnversations Podcast - Guest Anthony Damaschino
Apr 01, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino

I’m thrilled to share my guest spot on The Dawnversations Podcast. Join Dawn and I as we chat about the joys and challenges of the Empty Nest stage. This episode is a quick 30-minute must-listen. Grab your headphones, and let's dive into the Empty Nest journey together!

The Danwversations Podcast - Anthony Damaschino Guest


Reflecting on the Empty Nest: A Moment of Sadness but Running Towards a Bright Future.

Reflecting on the Empty Nest: A Moment of Sadness but Running Towards a Bright Future.
Mar 23, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
One would think the author of a book on everything Empty Nest would be immune to the rollercoaster of emotions that come with being an Empty Nester. Further, the last of my three children left for college three years ago. So, what’s the issue? Yes, I have made positive adjustments on my journey into Empty Nesting. Yes, I’m working on my Empty Nest Blueprint all the time. And yes, I am living my Best Empty Nest Life. But…and there is always a but, there are times when a memory, thought, or the reality of one’s child or children not being around slides into one’s thoughts. For this Irish Italian runner, it happened on St. Patrick’s Day.
When my three children were roughly 7, 9, and 10, I started a little club for the four of us. It was called DIRT, which stood for the ‘Damaschino Independent Running Team.’ At different points and times, one, two, or all three of my children would join me on short runs through our neighborhood.

ANNOUNCING: The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents (Coming Spring 2024)

ANNOUNCING: The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents (Coming Spring 2024)
Mar 18, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents is a transformative roadmap designed to help single parents embrace the next chapter of their lives with purpose and resilience. Drawing from the latest research, practical parenting insights, and real-life single parent experiences, Damaschino guides readers through a journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the tools to design a fulfilling life post-empty nest.
In early 2024 Damaschino launched a Single Parent Empty Nest Survey  and has harvested a wealth of information on the profound impact of being a single parent dealing with this transition today.

Peeling Back the Layers: Why Your Book Review is Sweeter Than Any Banana Slicer (But Don't Tell Kyle)

Peeling Back the Layers: Why Your Book Review is Sweeter Than Any Banana Slicer (But Don't Tell Kyle)
Feb 18, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
When I hung up my 25-year HR cape, I thought the subject of written reviews was in my past. No more helping a manager kindly tell Tina that her perfume is too strong or that Pete’s inability to make eye contact when he talks makes his coworkers feel strange. I don’t miss crafting the words to help tell Kyle he will not get the promotion he thinks he deserves. And for the record, Kyle still has a lot of room to grow before he’s ready to become the Associate Director of All Things Kyle. For most managers, writing a review is a hard and burdensome chore. Delivering a review, especially to Tina, Pete, and Kyle, is equally tough.

Dear Midlife Podcast - Creating a Blueprint for Parental Liberation

Dear Midlife Podcast - Creating a Blueprint for Parental Liberation
Jan 29, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
Exciting news! I'm thrilled to share that I was featured as a guest on the Dear Midlife Podcast. Join Shelby Watley Bybee, Trinity Greenfield, and me as we unpack the joys and challenges of the Empty Nest stage and get an inside look into my book, The Empty Nest Blueprint. This episode is a must-listen. Grab your headphones, and let's explore this journey together!

Beware of The Self-Help Book Pitfalls

Beware of The Self-Help Book Pitfalls
Jan 17, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino
Want to get rich, lose weight, get out of debt, find the love of your life, or be successful? An easy way to conquer these common life issues is to pick up the self-help book that promises the desired result and read it. If only the answer to life's problems were this simple.
One thing that most people don’t know about me is that I have been a closet personal, financial, and relationship self-help book bibliophile. As my career, interests, and personal goals have evolved throughout my life, I have dived into and explored many self-help categories in search of life’s answers. I wholeheartedly believe that there is wisdom in every book, and self-help books specifically, there is the wisdom of a well-defined problem and a proposed solution.

Beyond Resolutions: Embrace the Transformative Journey - Inspired by A Christmas Carol & It's a Wonderful Life

Beyond Resolutions: Embrace the Transformative Journey - Inspired by A Christmas Carol & It's a Wonderful Life
Dec 30, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
I love New Year's Resolutions. But first, some context.
My favorite holiday movies are A Christmas Carol and It’s A Wonderful Life. I am not unique in having these be my holiday favorites; it’s similar to saying Shawshank Redemption and The Godfather are your favorite movies; everyone semi-agrees. But why do I like these two movies so much? It is because they each deliver a message I love.

Dear Midlife – Our Midlife

Dear Midlife – Our Midlife
Dec 14, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
On Tuesday I had the pleasure of being a guest on a podcast called Dear Midlife. It’s a podcast hosted by Shelby Bybee and Trinity Greenfield, and its audience is targeted at women ages 40 to 60 years old - right in the middle of their lives. Shelby and Trinity host weekly guests on a series of subjects about being strong, confident women, finding inner peace and empowerment, and discussing topics and issues that this cohort may be experiencing.

The Empty Nesters’ Rookie Year – Thanksgiving Break

The Empty Nesters’ Rookie Year – Thanksgiving Break
Dec 03, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
At some point, all new and veteran Empty Nesters will experience the triumphant return of college kids back into the home over holiday breaks. For the first timers, this usually happens the first Thanksgiving into their child’s first year in college. I recall the anticipation and excitement of my children returning home, even though they had only been gone for a few months.

The Soundtrack of Your Life

The Soundtrack of Your Life
Nov 27, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
Instead of posting my blog last night, I went to a book reading for a new author by the name of Geddy Lee. In case you don’t know, Geddy Lee is/was the lead singer of Rush, the most well-known Canadian rock band of all time. This post isn’t about how great Rush is, and they are great, but rather two arching themes about people and music.

The Empty Nest Blueprint Crossword

Nov 19, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
Although Crossword Day is December 21st, I thought I'd switch things up this week and post my Empty Nest Crossword. Perhaps I'll create a New York Times worthy crossword in the future.

The Back Burner

The Back Burner
Nov 12, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
The first two sentences of my book are, “If you put your relationships on the back burner, they will still get burned. It just takes longer.”
Since I wrote these two simple sentences, they have moved from lines in a book to a mantra I think about often. For me, it sums up priorities and relationships. I believe the Empty Nest transition for most parents is an introspective relationship transition.

Isn’t Empty Nesting just an easy transition? What’s the big deal?

Isn’t Empty Nesting just an easy transition? What’s the big deal?
Nov 05, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
For some, an Empty Nest transition perhaps is easy. I mean, if you have a great relationship with your child and they feel the same about you. And you have a great relationship with your spouse and they feel the same about you. And if everyone’s mental health is good in your immediate family and each of you is on the same wavelength around communication, control, and expectations.

What was your process for writing your book?

What was your process for writing your book?
Oct 30, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino

This week’s Hump Day Q&A question wasn’t on Empty Nesting but writing. Initially, I planned on ‘Behind The Blueprint,’ my blog, to be about writing, my journey, and all things Empty Nesting. So, why not answer a writing question? This week's question is, “What was your process for writing your book?”

What’s your favorite Empty Nest fact?

What’s your favorite Empty Nest fact?
Oct 22, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
This is a funny question. I liken it to: What is your favorite word in the dictionary? There are so many facts and statistics in the book that I like. Chapter Three, titled The Average Empty Nester, is filled with statistics and facts about the demographics, finances, and attitudes of people in this unique stage in life.

How do you know when your children are grown and independent? I find it hard to let go of my total grip as parent and guardian. What traits were you looking for in your children as they became grown adults you could trust to be independent?

How do you know when your children are grown and independent? I find it hard to let go of my total grip as parent and guardian. What traits were you looking for in your children as they became grown adults you could trust to be independent?
Oct 15, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
Great question. Independence can mean a lot of things to people. As a parent, I wasn’t as structured as I’m going to outline below, but I did look for independence in three areas: Financial, Personal, and Emotional. Here is my take on each. Financial independence equates to my child being able to support themselves financially.

What advice would you give to fathers who want to foster long-term relationships with their children in this next stage of life?

What advice would you give to fathers who want to foster long-term relationships with their children in this next stage of life?
Oct 08, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
Fatherhood – now that’s a topic. I'm unsure if this is a coincidence, but I lost my father six days ago. So this is a subject I have been thinking about almost nonstop since the moment my mom informed me he had passed. I have thought a lot about my past and connection with my dad, as well as my actions as a father and my connection with my children.