ANNOUNCING: The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents (Coming Spring 2024)

Mar 18, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino

The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents is a transformative roadmap designed to help single parents embrace the next chapter of their lives with purpose and resilience. Drawing from the latest research, practical parenting insights, and real-life single parent experiences, Damaschino guides readers through a journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the tools to design a fulfilling life post-empty nest.
In early 2024 Damaschino launched a Single Parent Empty Nest Survey  and has harvested a wealth of information on the profound impact of being a single parent dealing with this transition today.
The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents is a must for any reader who wants to:
• Learn how to define your best Empty Nest journey and overcome Empty Nest Syndrome
• Unlock the true potential of your Parent-Adult Child relationship
• Conquer the major Empty Nest Threats and pursue your Empty Nest Opportunities
• Gain a renewed sense of purpose and motivation to create a life of excitement, enjoyment, and fun
The Empty Nest Blueprint for Single Parents is an essentuial resource for single parents seeking guidance, support, and inspiration as they embark on their empty nest journey.