Delivering Value Beyond The Books
Aug 01, 2024 by Anthony Damaschino

At this point in my writing career, I have spent several years researching, writing, and publishing two books. But What I didn’t plan for was to become a bookmarker. Being a book marketer is a full-time job. Now that my first two books are complete and I move on to my next project, writing, whatever I do must be balanced with my alternate career as a bookmarker. No one tells you this when you decide to become an author. But again, without marketing, no one will read your book, and then what’s the point of it all?
I’ve been thinking a lot about this; the thought of delivering value and marketing never seems to leave my mind. I’ll be in the car, in the shower, or at a concert, and the thought, “How can I give more value to my readers?” and “How can I help others find my book?” never seems to go away. On my website, I have created a survey for single empty nesters, made an empty nest readiness quiz for couples and single empty nesters, created a book club guide, and I have a lot of other ideas on how to give more to all the empty nesters out there. By the way, I’m open to any suggestions from anyone reading this about what I can do more of and give more to help others. There is this constant ping to give more.
I’ve realized that over the last year, I have done a lot of ‘book marketing,’ but it has been rather one-dimensional. I have been pushing, “Here is my book, this is the cover, look at this book, you can buy this book, etc, etc. Although I have been trying to add value here and there on my website and through many of my posts, all of my Tuesday empty nest reels and videos come to mind; I now believe I need to double my efforts and put more help, tips, suggestions, resources out there so that I can reach and help people. And, of course, help readers find my books.
As an author, book marketer, empty nester, and reader, I’m here to support you in any way I can. If you’ve found your way to this corner of my website, I welcome your ideas, suggestions, and feedback. This blog post is my promise to you: I will continue to deliver value beyond my books, ensuring that you always find something helpful and meaningful here.