What other books Influenced you to write your book?
Sep 24, 2023 by Anthony Damaschino
To the question, were there any books that influenced me? I have read many self-help, business, relationship, and advise-oriented books. No one book served as a model per se; however, many that I have read fell into what I call 'a one-note trap.' They are books on singular topics that explore a concept and then ‘rinse and repeat’ that message until the last page. I was determined to deliver more.
My goal with The Empty Nest Blueprint was for each chapter to have one, if not several, of the following three things: impart knowledge, create personal reflection, or cause the reader to take action. My goal was not just to have a reader finish with only knowledge and understanding but to end the book with something concrete—a blueprint, multiple plans, and authentic excitement about their future. I believe The Empty Nest Blueprint delivers on this promise.